Thursday 12 March 2015

The Canadian $1 coin is known as a 'loonie' (the $2 is a 'toonie')

Your targets this week:

1+ out of 9: Well done, you beat us!
3+ out of 9: We'd have won with you on our team!

The attendees
1) The statistician
2) The doctor
3) The DJ-woman
4) The DJ-man

The ones that got away
Question 2
1) Which chocolate bar was originally designed to fit into a sports jacket pocket without breaking?
2) The Bank of Canada recently declared it wasn't illegal to draw what on the 5 dollar bill? (Pictured, in case you somehow don't have one to hand.)
3) According to Canada's Food Guide, you should eat one _____ vegetable and one _____ vegetable each day. For 1 point, fill in both blanks (and as a small hint, each blank is a colour).
4) To within 10%, how many more calories do you need to burn than you consume to lose 1 pound in weight?
5) In what TV series did Leonard Nimoy play retired magician The Great Paris?
6) 2 point question: Together they directed The Matrix trilogy, one is Lana Wachowski, but what is the first name of the other Wachowski?
7) 2 point question: Which clothing company has embraced the recent 'normcore' fashion craze with their 'Dress Normal' campaign?

The answers

Our excuses

How did you do? Would you have beaten us (1 or more points)? Would you have helped us win (3 or more points)? Let the world know with the poll below, then read on for my alternative questions (loosely) inspired by this week's Ones That Got Away!

My alternative questions
Question 3
1) What name is shared by a chocolate bar in the UK which is similar to the 3 Musketeers bar in the US, and by a chocolate bar in the US which is similar to the Mars bar in the UK?
2) Which US President is the only one featured on Mount Rushmore but not on a standard US banknote?
3) While secondary colours are more commonly associated with supervillains, which superhero, resplendent in orange and green, is pictured here?
4) When we talk about calories in food, we are usually referring to the kilocalorie (kcal), which is equal to 4,200 of what unit of energy?
5) What does the 'MI' in MI5 (and other secret services) stand for? Hint: it's not 'Mission: Impossible'.
6) For one point each, according to, what are the two valid plurals of the noun 'matrix'?
7) Pictured below is a T-Shirt from Gap's UK website. How much does it cost (in GBP)? If you're within 20% you get 1 point, if you're within 10% you get 2 points. (I should point out that this was picked entirely at random from their collection, so don't waste time with any 'meta-game' thinking.)

Question 7
The answers

How did you do on my alternative questions? Have another poll!


  1. If anyone gets 9 points on your alternative questions, I expect a steward's enquiry.

    1. I was one Milky Way away from requiring that enquiring.

  2. Sorry haters! (Only scored one on the actual Ones, mind.)
