Thursday, 26 May 2016

The NHL's Stanley Cup is not flat, but in fact, very tall

Your target this week:

1+ out of 7: Well done, you beat us and we'd have won with you on our team!

The attendees
1) The statistician
2) The doctor
3) The secret German
4) The metallurgist
5) The rich-person otherkin
6) The sports guy

The ones that got away
Question 3
1) What is the most spoken language in South America?
2) In 1993, which New York borough held a referendum on whether to secede from the city of New York?
3) Pictured is part of an Internet meme. In this context, what 3 words most typically follow 'here come dat boi!'?
4) In grams, how much does a bee hummingbird weigh? Your answer will be the number 2, followed by a number of zeros.
5) In May 1877, an 8.8 magnitude Earthquake occurred off the coast of which country? If you get the country you get 2 points. If you get one of its neighbours you get 1 point.
6) This question will require some explanation. On the night this was a '5 or 0' question: you either get 5 points or 0 points. Since you only need 1 point to help us win it'll be a 1 point question here. Name as many NHL players who have won the Hart Memorial Trophy in the 21st Century as you have members on your team. (So for most of you playing at home, this will probably be just 1.)

The answers

The doctor's excuses

How did you do? Would you have beaten us and helped us win (1 or more point)? Let the world know with the poll below, then read on for my alternative questions (loosely) inspired by this week's Ones That Got Away!

Our alternative questions
1) Only 4 countries with populations of over 10 million have Portugese as their official language. 2 of them are Brazil and (spoilers) Portugal. For 1 point each, name the other 2. As a hint, the two countries both border Zambia, which is the only neighbour they have in common.
2) Staten Island derives its name from what language?
3) Speaking of inexplicably viral frogs, Crazy Frog evolved from a 1997 recording of a 17-year-old Swede trying to impersonate what?
4) Speaking of Swedes (and hummingbirds), Måns Zelmerlöw sang the lyrics 'Go sing it like a hummingbird / The greatest anthem ever heard' in the process of winning what competition in May 2015?
5) In Greek mythology, which god was thought to cause earthquakes?
6) To most fans North America's major hockey league is known as the National Hockey League, or simply NHL. In French-speaking regions (most notably Quebec), the league is abbreviated to the same three letters, but in a different order - what order?

The answers

How did you do on my alternative questions? Have another poll!

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