Each week, quiz obsessives and Only Connect champions
Jamie Karran (@NoDrNo) and Michael Wallace (@statacake) take on the pub quizzes of the world.
Find out every Friday if you could have helped with the questions they got wrong.
Thursday, 7 April 2016
The first retired Atlantic hurricane name was Carol
Your targets this week:
1+ out of 6: Well done, you beat us! 2+ out of 6: We'd have won with you on our team!
The attendees 1) The statistician 2) The doctor
The ones that got away
Question 6
1) What scale is used for rating tornado intensity? 2) At (approximately) what wind speed does a storm change from being classified as a storm to a hurricane? 43mph, 62mph, 74mph or 89mph? 3) Which country is home to the city which holds the record for most snowfall in a 24-hour period? Canada, USA, Italy or Japan? 4) If it's called a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean, a typhoon in the Pacific Ocean, what is it called in the Indian Ocean? 5) Which was the first country to withdraw from the Kyoto protocol? 6) On the diagram, if the red is a warm front, and the blue is a cold front, what is the purple?
The answers
1) Fujita scale (or F-scale) 2) 74mph 3) Italy 4) A cyclone 5) Canada (in case you're wondering about the USA: they never ratified it in the first place) 6) An occluded front
The doctor's excuses
1) So, fun fact, in the Mortal Kombat series of Excessively Violent Fighting Games there is a character called "Fujin" who is a God of Wind. Fujin starts with the same first four letters as Fujita and is (as far as I can google) completely unrelated (the name Fujita means "wisteria rice-paddy", apparently). Needless to say, we didn't get this one (although our answer of Saffir-Simpson is a *hurricane* rating scale, so that's nice). 2) Here's a fun question. Are numerical multiple choice questions in a quiz a) boring, b) very boring, c) extremely boring, b) the worst. Answers on a postcard (perhaps send it to a neglected relative to cheer up their day!). We went with 62mph since the statistician said that would be about 100kph and might make this question a tiny bit not terrible. 3) Haha, because we live in Canada and it's snowy AF here, we put Canada. It's Italy. Probably... because of all the pizza they eat? IDK I'm not sure I can usefully claim an Italian stereotype is a cause of increased snowfall. 4) We discussed the correct answer of "cyclone" but then I insisted it "must be monsoon because they have a whole season about it" (thinking about how there's like a "hurricane season" in North America). But no, that was stupid and dumb. A monsoon (According to wikipedia) is a "seasonal reversing wind" which is often quite wet. 5) I started reading about the Kyoto Protocol and when I woke up I was in a hospital having just become conscious after a weeklong coma. As a doctor myself, I would recommend you do not drive or operate heavy machinery after having read about the Kyoto Protocol. 6) Our answer of Warm Wet Front, as well as being unpleasantly suggestive, was wrong. I think this question is sort of OK, I guess, in that weather reports are definitely a thing where one could/should have reasonably learned something about them just through being alive and near televisions.
How did you do? Would you have beaten us (1 or more point)? Would you have helped us win (2 or more points)? Let the world know with the poll below, then read on for my alternative questions (loosely) inspired by this week's Ones That Got Away!
Our alternative questions 1) The Fujita scale categorizes six types of 'damage'. Put these six damage classifications into increasing order of damage: Devastating, Incredible, Light, Moderate, Severe, Significant. [Note that sometimes 'considerable' is used instead of 'significant'.] 2) The USA's National Hurricane Center gives hurricances 'human' names based on an alphabetical list. 21 letters are used: Q, X, Y and Z are excluded, along with which other? (Hint: it scores 1 point in Scrabble.) 3) X is the new Y' is an example of a type of phrasal template where X and Y can be replaced by different words. This is described by what neologism? Hint: you can get the word by changing the 'g' and 'b' in 'snowglobe' to new letters. 4) Where can you find an anticyclonic storm that has lasted for (at least) 186 years? 5) Along with Canada, three other UN member states are not party to the Protocol: the USA, Andorra, and which African country? Hint: the Protocol entered infto force in 2005. 6) Occlusion therapy - where an eye patch is placed over a stronger eye to force use of the weaker one - is a common treatment for what eye condition? Hint: it is often caused by a strabismus (or squint), and has a more colloquial name which some consider inappropriate, but either that or the medical term will be accepted.
The answers
1) Light, Moderate, Significant, Severe, Devastating, Incredible 2) U (presumably because they'd run out of plausible 'U' names pretty fast) 3) Snowclone 4) Jupiter (it's the Great Red Spot) 5) South Sudan 6) Amblyopia ('lazy eye' also accepted)
How did you do on my alternative questions? Have another poll!
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